Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mike Doe Is a Funny Mofo...for a Non-Italian

Finally, my boy Mike Doe has returned from beating fools down in the street, or whatever one does when one is not writing blog posts! He is back to his funny ways. Frankly, I was kind of worried. Me and Dalton were preparing a search party, which, in actuality, if you must know, meant we was gonna bust heads until we figured out where the hell Mike Doe was.

Fortunately, this was not necessary.

Mike Doe, you're a funny mofo, for a non-Italian. But you better keep posting, or you might find yourself taking a long dive off a short pier, if you knowwhatimean?

So welcome back! Don't make no mistakes. Do your thing. Case closed. Fughedaboutit!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jordache Jeans Are Lame

Sorry, this has been on my mind a long time, but those damn Jordache jeans are for total d-bags! Unless it's worn by a chick, and then I go on an ass-by-ass basis!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Scott Baio is a Major League D-Bag....


Just kidding! Scott Baio is a great Italian-american actor. This dude rocked Happy Days AND Charles in Charge, two of the great situations comedies of all time.

Can't remember any Great Italian Movies he's been in, but what the hell. Dalton from Road House even respects Chachi, er, I mean "Scott's" ability to score high-end chicks...and Dalton is the guy who wrote the world famous Zen and the Art of Bouncing. That's a serious piece of work, let me tells ya.

So, in conclusion....Chachi Baio is not a D-bag! Case closed! Fughedaboutit!